Tuesday 27 June 2023



Wastewater treatment protects humans and ecosystem

Wastewater contains elements toxic to humans and the ecosystem. Wastewater treatment facilities help to purify the water and eliminate situations like what is currently seen in developing countries. Unclean water poses significant health risks, accounting for 1.7 million deaths annually, of which over 90 percent are in developing countries.2 Several water-related diseases, including cholera and schistosomiasis, remain widespread across many developing countries, where only a very small fraction (in some cases less than 5 percent) of domestic and urban wastewater is treated prior to its release into the environment3.

Wastewater treatment also protects the ecosystem. Fish and aquatic life require fresh water. When their water environment is laden with wastewater, they cannot survive. If chemicals, such as nitrogen and phosphates, enter streams, rivers or large bodies of water in excessive amounts, it causes excessive plant growth which release toxins into the water. This leads to oxygen depletion and dead zones; areas where fish and other aquatic life can no longer exist.

Chemical treatment in wastewater treatment plants includes neutralisationdisinfectionphosphate precipitationnitrogen eliminationdeicing and manganese removal.

Neutralisation is used to produce the prescribed pH value, which is achieved by adding an acid, e.g. HCL, or a base, e.g. milk of lime.

During disinfection , pathogens are killed by adding chlorine or chlorine dioxide. The irradiation of the wastewater with UV light is a good alternative to adding chemicals, but it is used less frequently. Phosphate elimination: Our wastewater is frequently contaminated with phosphates from detergents, fertilisers, food additives and faeces. If they remain in the wastewater, they lead to overfertilisation of water bodies and enrichment with nutrients, which can lead to useless plant growth (eutrophication) harmful to the ecosystem. Phosphates are removed with a chemical precipitation or flocculation process. The phosphate precipitation is partly triggered by the addition of aluminium or iron salts in the sand collector or in the secondary wastewater treatment tank. The metal-phosphate flocks that are formed during this secondary clarification are then taken out of the wastewater together with the activated sludge. Depending on the mode of operation, the phosphate can also be "fished" with the help of microorganisms from the wastewater. In this case we speak of a biological phosphorus elimination, which is, however, still rarely used.

Chemical water purification also includes nitrogen elimination: it is used to remove nitrogen compounds that are harmful to water, such as ammonia and ammonium, from waste water. Nitrogen compounds remove the vital oxygen from the water and can even cause fish to die when discharged into water bodies. Nitrogen is eliminated by nitrification and denitrification: During nitrification, ammonium is converted to nitrite with the addition of anaerobic bacteria and oxygen – and then to nitrate in a second stage. The subsequent denitrification is also triggered by the addition of anaerobic microorganisms. These decompose the nitrate to nitrogen gas via enzymatic activities, which then is returned to the atmosphere.

Deferrisation: To reduce the iron content of the wastewater to the prescribed value, iron (II) cations are oxidised by the addition of oxygen. To trigger the oxidation process, caustic soda must also be added to the wastewater.

Manganese removal: Manganese is usually present in wastewater as manganese hydrogen carbonate. The addition of oxygen forms poorly-soluble manganese IV compounds, which can be easily removed from the water.

1.    Energy Production and Conservation. Energy and water consumption has always had challenges finding an adequate balance between the two. But it’s still completely possible. Currently, energy use at a water or wastewater facility can be 30 to 50 percent of the site’s total energy consumption. Technology has expanded in order to find other alternative energy consumption routes, as well as ways to utilize less energy overall.

2.    Nutrient Management. Thanks to changing regulations and increasingly strict limits have brought nutrient management to light as a major topic within the water and wastewater treatment industries.

  1. Residuals and Biosolids. Removing toxic waste from water has always been a challenge for the water and wastewater industries, accounting for more than 50 percent of treatment costs. But if the waste is claimed, cleaned and reused, there could be additional revenue to be made.
  2. Water Reclamation and Reuse. Reusing treated wastewater has become a huge trend within the industry lately, working for both drinking water and other water purposes. Water shortages across the country have made been a huge burden that reusing treated wastewater has been able to fill. The pressure to use less water overall has led to the consistent use of reusable wastewater.
  3. Water Supply and Water Management. When water is scarce due to the geographic location of an area, water supply and water management must be heavily considered. It’s imperative to find out how much water is available and where it’s located, as well as where it’s coming from. Water management is essential because someone has to balance the use between industrial water and consumer water.
  4. Stormwater, Green Infrastructure, and Wet Weather Management. Stormwater management has been on the eyes of both the water and wastewater industry lately. Heavy wet-weather events are often hazardous to the rain systems put in place, which is why it’s important to find a place for all of that extra water to go without harming any nearby communities. Green infrastructure solutions and growing regulations are some of the solutions to this problem.


Wastewater can contain chemical, biological or physical pollutants. This can make it unsafe for human uses. It can potentially cause severe illness if untreated wastewater gets into the public drinking supply. Most wastewater is usually released back into the environment after treatment.


There are several steps you would normally take when treating wastewater in a municipal facility. According to NYC Environmental Protection, wastewater from New York City goes through five distinct processes that include preliminary, primary and secondary treatments, as well as disinfection and sludge treatment. Most treatment facilities employ similar steps or combine steps when treating wastewater.


Many communities have a waste water treatment plant that incorporates a series of processes to remove pollutants from water used in homes, small businesses, industries, and other facilities. All waste water first goes through the primary treatment process, which involves screening and settling out large particles.

Preliminary treatment normally includes screening the water to remove large objects and debris. Wastewater pretreatment can include everything from twigs and rocks to bottles and diapers. For industrial users, nation pollutant discharge elimination system (NPDES) sets wastewater pretreatment standards that are more strict.


The waste water then moves on to the secondary treatment process, during which organic matter is removed by allowing bacteria to breakdown the pollutants. The treated waste water is then usually disinfected with chlorine to remove the remaining bacteria.

This is where your treatment options begin to diverge. Coagulation, along with flocculation, are methods that require a combination of chemicals. These processes cause particles to stick together so at a later point they can be more easily filtered out. Aluminum sulfate is a chemical often used in this process. After these insoluble fragments settle at the bottom through sedimentation, the purified water is filtered out. Filtration involves using a variety of filters to catch particles as the water flows through.

More about the primary and secondary treatment of wastewater here.




This is sometimes referred to as the tertiary treatment phase. Chlorine and chloramines are chemicals often used during the water treatment disinfection process. UV radiation is also sometimes used to disinfect water.


The final stage of treating water will often include removing a sludge that is sometimes referred to as biosolids. According to Water Use it Wisely, the byproduct of sludge dewatering systems is sometimes used for agricultural purposes.



The previous section details the processes involved in treating wastewater. Biotech articles states that the specific methods used generally fall into three categories.


Biological methods are normally put in place when the water will be used for drinking purposes. Aerobic treatment and fermentation are both biological methods.


Physical methods include sedimentation, aeration and filtration. Sand filters are sometimes used in the oil water separation process to remove oil and grease particles.


Chlorine is the chemical most often used in treating sewage and other types of wastewater. The process is called chlorination. This is the most effective means of destroying a variety of viruses and bacteria. A method known as neutralization is effective when treating industrial wastewater. Lime is sometimes used when treating acidic water.

What treatment solutions you’ll need will likely be determined by the type of wastewater, what contaminants are in the water and what the water will be used for after it’s treated. The best methods for treating wastewater should always coincide with regulations required in the state and locality where your facility is located. The methods used should also be as environmentally safe as possible.


Water treatment is a critical foundation of society. By expanding access to clean drinking water, safe water for home use and recycled water for agricultural purposes, water treatment improves the quality of life and security of millions of Americans each year. As technology has become more advanced, several unique and promising water treatment methods have begun to emerge, from systems for drought conditions to devices for hiking.






Water treatment is a complex and critical service that has historically been expensive and time-consuming. Luckily, these five promising technologies have the potential to make clean drinking water much more accessible to communities around the world in the coming years.

Stage One — Bar Screening

Removal of large items from the influent to prevent damage to the facility’s pumps, valves and other equipment.
The process of treating and reclaiming water from wastewater (any water that has been used in homes, such as flushing toilets, washing dishes, or bathing, and some water from industrial use and storm sewers) starts with the expectation that after it is treated it will be clean enough to reenter the environment.

The quality of the water is dictated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Clean Water Act, and wastewater facilities operate to specified permits by National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). According to the EPA, The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters. Under the CWA, EPA sets wastewater standards for industry. The EPA has also developed national water quality criteria recommendations for pollutants in surface waters. EPA's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls discharges.

As an example of expected standards, the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) of average wastewater effluent is 200 mg/L and the effluent after treatment is expected to be >30 mg/L. It is crucial a wastewater facility meets these expectations or risk stiff penalty.

The physical process of wastewater treatment begins with screening out large items that have found their way into the sewer system, and if not removed, can damage pumps and impede water flow. A bar screen is usually used to remove large items from the influent and ultimately taken to a landfill.

Stage Two — Screening

Removal of grit by flowing the influent over/through a grit chamber.
Fine grit that finds its way into the influent needs to be removed to prevent the damage of pumps and equipment downstream (or impact water flow). Too small to be screened out, this grit needs to be removed from the grit chamber. There are several types of grit chambers (horizontal, aerated or vortex) which control the flow of water, allowing the heavier grit to fall to the bottom of the chamber; the water and organic material continue to flow to the next stage in the process. The grit is physically removed from the bottom of the chamber and discarded.

Stage Three — Primary Clarifier

Initial separation of solid organic matter from wastewater.
Solids known as organics/sludge sink to the bottom of the tank and are pumped to a sludge digestor or sludge processing area, dried and hauled away. Proper settling rates are a key indicator for how well the clarifier is operating. Adjusting flow rate into the clarifier can help the operator adjust the settling rates and efficiency.

After grit removal, the influent enters large primary clarifiers that separate out between 25% and 50% of the solids in the influent. These large clarifiers (75 feet in diameter, 7½ inches at the edges and 10½ feet in the center as an example) allow for the heavy solids to sink to the bottom and the cleaner influent to flow. The effectiveness of the primary clarification is a matter of appropriate water flow. If the water flow is too fast, the solids don’t have time to sink to the bottom resulting in negative impact on water quality downstream. If the water flow is too slow, it impacts the process up stream.

The solids that fall to the bottom of the clarifier are know as sludge and pumped out regularly to ensure it doesn’t impact the process of separation. The sludge is then discarded after any water is removed and commonly used as fertilizer.

Stage Four — Aeration

Air is pumped into the aeration tank/basin to encourage conversion of NH3 to NO3 and provide oxygen for bacteria to continue to propagate and grow.
Once converted to NO3, the bacteria remove/strip oxygen molecules from the nitrate molecules and the nitrogen (N) is given off as N2↑ (nitrogen gas).

At the heart of the wastewater treatment process is the encouragement and acceleration of the natural process of bacteria, breaking down organic material. This begins in the aeration tank. The primary function of the aeration tank is to pump oxygen into the tank to encourage the breakdown of any organic material (and the growth of the bacteria), as well as ensure there is enough time for the organic material to be broken down. Aeration can be accomplished with pumping and defusing air into the tank or through aggressive agitation that adds air to the water. This process is managed to offer the best conditions for bacterial growth. Oxygen gas [O2] levels below 2 ppm will kill off the bacteria, reducing efficiency of the plant. Dissolved oxygen monitoring at this stage of the plant is critical. Ammonia and nitrate measurements are common to measure how efficient the bacteria are in converting NH3 to N2↑.

A key parameter to measure in wastewater treatment is Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD). BOD is a surrogate indicator for the amount of organic material present and is used to determine the effectiveness of organic material breakdown. There are a number of other tests used to ensure optimal organic material breakdown (and BOD reduction) such as measuring pH, temperature, Dissolved Oxygen (DO), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Hydraulic Retention Time (flow rate), Solids Retention Time (amount of time the bacteria is in the aeration chamber) and Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids. Ongoing and accurate monitoring is crucial to ensure the final required effluent BOD.

Stage Five — Secondary Clarifier

Treated wastewater is pumped into a secondary clarifier to allow any remaining organic sediment to settle out of treated water flow.
As the influent exits the aeration process, it flows into a secondary clarifier where, like the primary clarifier, any very small solids (or fines) sink to the bottom of the tank. These small solids are called activated sludge and consist mostly of active bacteria. Part of this activated sludge is returned to the aeration tank to increase the bacterial concentration, help in propagation, and accelerate the breakdown of organic material. The excess is discarded.

The water that flows from the secondary clarifier has substantially reduced organic material and should be approaching expected effluent specifications.

Stage Six — Chlorination (Disinfection)

Chlorine is added to kill any remaining bacteria in the contact chamber.
With the enhanced concentration of bacteria as part of the aeration stage, there is a need to test the outgoing effluent for bacteria presence or absence and to disinfect the water. This ensures that higher than specified concentrations of bacteria are not released into the environment. Chlorination is the most common and inexpensive type of disinfection but ozone and UV disinfection are also increasing in popularity. If chorine is used, it is important to test for free-chlorine levels to ensure they are acceptable levels before being released into the environment.

Stage Seven — Water Analysis & Testing

Testing for proper pH level, ammonia, nitrates, phosphates, dissolved oxygen, and residual chlorine levels to conform to the plant’s NPDES permit are critical to the plant’s performance.
Although testing is continuous throughout the wastewater treatment process to ensure optimal water flow, clarification and aeration, final testing is done to make sure the effluent leaving the plant meets permit specifications. Plants that don`t meet permit discharge levels are subject to fines and possible incarceration of the operator in charge.

Stage Eight — Effluent Disposal

After meeting all permit specifications, clean water is reintroduced into the environment.
Although testing is continuous throughout the wastewater treatment process to ensure optimal water flow, clarification and aeration, final testing is done to make sure the effluent leaving the plant meets permit specifications. Plants that don`t meet permit discharge levels are subject to fines and possible incarceration of the operator in charge.



Monday 29 May 2023

Role & Importance of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)


Importance of Sewage Water Treatment Plants:

Over the past few decades, sewage and research and technology have evolved. The population of the world is expanding fast, and people are looking for natural resources in clean water sources such fresh rivers, wells, and groundwater. Natural resources will eventually become scarcer.

This has caused the emphasis to shift from preventing pollution to reducing its effects. Wastewater cannot now be disposed of in land or water bodies without suitable and efficient treatment procedures.

India has the second-largest population in the world and the highest population density in its Gangetic plains as well as other parts of the country. It also boasts 4% of the total fresh water available on Earth. India must therefore work towards sustainable water use, water recovery, and water re-use in order to satisfy the basic need for water for its citizens.


Maintenance of Sewage Water Treatment Plants:

Utilising reliable and effective machinery is the first rule of thumb for maintaining these plants in good condition for companies or businesses. Aerators and clarifiers are two examples of crucial machinery that are available in a variety of forms and capacities. However, it is advised to use high-quality sewage treatment plant designs because low-quality aerators and clarifiers can lead to issues like insufficient solid sludge deposition and high energy consumption when used in the activated sludge process. Starch wastewater treatment is occasionally a better option for people.

A team of good quality ensures

• Clarifies should not be clogged with solid waste

• There is no biological growth in your aerators

• The growth of the filaments is zero in the aeration tanks

However, no matter how good the equipment is, you need to call periodically to get service and maintenance on this equipment to last a long time.

Working of Sewage Water Treatment Plant:

Although it is very simple, the recycling of treated sewage requires careful attention to detail and maintenance. Here we have explained the working of the plant.

Sedimentation: In the first step, solid waste is sedimented to leave only liquid waste on the surface. Then, with the aid of the clarity procedure or the devices referred to as clarifiers, this liquid stuff is separated from the solid waste. The fundamental idea behind this method is to remove solid trash and only leave liquid waste for the subsequent stage of sewage treatment.

Aeration: Wastewater or Sewage has a very high BOD, that is, a biological demand for oxygen. This demand is met with the help of aerators. The aerators help increase the oxygen content by quickly mixing the waste with the oxygen generated in the aeration tanks. This leads to a rapid treatment of wastewater.

Disinfection: Depending on the waste, there are many processes that help in the treatment of wastewater. But generally, the last process in wastewater treatment is disinfection. This process helps disinfect wastewater and eliminate toxicity so that it can be disposed of in local water tanks.


 What is the role of STP Plants in controlling water pollution?

The firm hold that sewage treatment plants provide to maintain the ecosystem's balance helps to reduce water contamination. Despite being straightforward, the sewage treatment process is rarely used. Diverse media channels must be used to spread awareness of sewage treatment.

In less developed countries, a lack of water is a major factor in the slow rate of population increase, and water pollution is bad for people's health and hygiene. Only a small portion of the world's water, which makes up three-fourths of its total volume, is suitable for human consumption. Therefore, it is important to encourage the reuse of water in industry and agriculture. Reuse is impossible without efficient sewage treatment; hence sewage treatment plants are just as important as hydropower plants.


For the design, installation and manufacture of Sewage Treatment Plants in India, contact MN Aqua Chem Solutions.

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) Manufacturers & Suppliers in Hyderabad


What is a Sewage Treatment Plant?

Sewage treatment plants process and treat wastewater/sewage, breaking it down into a cleaner ‘effluent’ that can be returned back to nature in a safer, eco-friendly form. They help restore groundwater balance, curb diseases and stop degradation and pollution of the environment. 

In housing societies, the treated water can be used for non-potable purposes such as gardening, washing cars, construction, irrigation and toilet flushing.

Cleaner water would minimize fatalities due to water borne diseases, there’d be less negative environmental impact from water pollution and from a much narrower point of view, no house would have to pay for water tankers, because there’d be abundance of groundwater on macro scales and reusable water at community levels.


STP Technologies: 

  MBBR - Moving Bed Bio Reactor 

  SBR - Sequential Bio Reactor

MBBR: Moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) is a biological technology used for wastewater treatment process suitable for municipal and industrial application. Another common name is moving bed film reactor. It was invented in the 1980s. MBBR offer an economical solution for wastewater treatment.

How does MBBR work?

In the MBBR process, feed is sent to an aeration tank, also called a reactor, filled with thousands of small pieces of plastic called carriers or media. These media maximize the surface area as they provide area for microbial growth and are similar in density to water, so they mix well throughout the tank.


SBR: The sequencing batch reactor (SBR) is a fill-and- draw activated sludge system for wastewater treatment. In this system, wastewater is added to a single “batch” reactor, treated to remove undesirable components, and then discharged.

How does MBBR work?

In the SBR process, the operator first fills the tank with influent. Ventilation and microbes then begin to promote biological reactions. After completing this step, purification will take place. That is, sludge will settle. This process is usually done in a separate tank, but in SBR it is done in the same tank that acted as the reactor for the biological process.

After the treatment process is complete, the operator pumps the treated wastewater out of the tank and pumps out the old sludge. This last step in the process is called idling. After reaching this point, the SBR system can start over and re-run a series of sub processes that introduce a new batch of feed into the tank and convert the contaminated wastewater into purified wastewater.

Like many other types of aeration processes, SBR is often part of a larger framework for wastewater treatment. Other steps, such as removing sand grains, can be done in advance, and some steps, such as disinfection, can be continued. In some cases, depending on the quality of the inflow and the desired quality of wastewater, the SBR itself may act as the only means of wastewater treatment.


How does a sewage treatment plant work?

They work in four phases – preliminary, primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.

Preliminary treatment

Removes the biggies like plastic bottles, tree branches, rags, wrappers, solid, coarse objects and materials. 

Primary treatment

Occurs inside a sedimentation tank which settles to the bottom all the organic and inorganic solids while the grease, oil and lighter solids are moved to the surface using skimmers. This phase is expected to remove at least 60% of solids (mechanically scraped off and directed to sludge treatment) while the remaining water moves to the next stage.

Secondary treatment

Entails secondary clarifiers separating biological floc from the liquid with the use of aerobic biological processes (through managed indigenous microorganisms that consume biodegradable soluble contaminants). This stage is focused on intensive cleaning of water (up to 90%) after flotsam and solids are cleared in primary treatment.

Tertiary treatment

Is advanced treatment that reduces pathogens, nitrogen, phosphorus and other inorganic compounds by disinfecting the water chemically, through ultraviolet light, or micro filtration, before releasing for reuse. Sludge is treated in digesting tanks with anaerobic bacteria and later used as fertilizer.

Maintenance of STP

Low-budget STPs need frequent emptying and monitoring but even a good one would have to be dislodged and serviced at least once a year. After desludging, it should be immediately refilled by water to balance the internal and external pressure. 

Under no circumstances should rainwater enter the STP.  It could flush out bacteria and cause flooding. 

Emptying of primary tanks and soakaways must be done regularly by the society, not the manufacturer’s service staff.

Below components should be checked during maintenance visits:

·         Unobstructed, strong and efficient blower and ventilation

·         Mechanical components replacement if needed

·         Inspection for air filters and pipes inspection

·         Diffuser inspection for bubbles

·         Biomass color and smell check

·         Final effluent quality

·         Damage repair in all chambers

·         Lid seal integrity

·         Replacement of diaphragms and valve boxes

Refer to the manufacturer’s maintenance guidelines booklet for a detailed understanding of every protocol.

STPs require a CFO (Consent for Operation) from the state pollution boards which have to be renewed every five years. Consent is granted after submitting paperwork, consent fees and a thorough inspection from regional officers of the Board.



Tuesday 28 June 2022

Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) Manufacturers & Suppliers in Hyderabad

Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) 

Effluent Treatment Plant or ETP is one type of waste water treatment method which is particularly designed to purify industrial waste water for its reuse and it’s aim is to release safe water to environment from the harmful effect caused by the effluent. Waste water treatment plants will treat effluents coming from various industries. These Plants are widely used in industrial & commercial sectors like Pharmaceutical, Food/Beverage Production, Paper & Textile, Power Plants & Steel Plants, Cement Industries, Hospitals and Oil Refineries.

ETP Technologies 

  Aerobic Treatment 

  Anaerobic Treatment  

Effluent Treatment Plant is developed to treat the effluent that is waste water coming from different areas of plant. Water is the main resource used in all types of industries for many processes. But water used in industries in not consumed completely. Furthermore, almost all industries generate waste water from plants which needs proper immediate action. Waste water can pollute environment. So, the treatment of waste water i.e untreated effluent is turned into treated effluent with the help of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), so times it is also called as Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

Effluent Treatment Plant can be operated in 4 different processes 

Preliminary – Removal of Solids, Oil & Grease 

Primary – Removal of Suspended Solids & Organic Matter 

Secondary – Removal of Biodegradable Organic Matter (BOD)

Tertiary – Removal of Residual Suspended Solids & Dissolved Solids 

A) Preliminary Treatment : Its objective is physical separation of large sized contaminants. For example cloth, paper, plastics, wood logs etc. This level/process include:

Screening: This is the first unit operation that occurs in waste water treatment plants. A screen is a device with uniform openings and its purpose is to remove large floating solids.

Sedimentation: It is a physical water treatment process using gravity to remove suspended solids from water.

Grit Chamber: The wastewater that moves into the grit chamber removes the dense inorganic solids such as gravel, metal   fragments and sand which have made their way into the sewers. Removal of grit can prevent damaging of pumps &     operational difficulties.

Clarifiers: These are tanks built with mechanical means for continuous removal of solids being deposited by sedimentation before biological treatment.

B) Primary Treatment : Its aim is removal of floating and settle able materials such as suspended solids and organic matter. In this treatment both physical and chemical methods are used. It includes:

Flocculation: Flocculation is a physical process and does not involve the neutralization of charge. It involves the addition of  destabilized particles together into large aggregates so that they can be easily separated from the water.

Coagulation: is a process in which coagulants are added for the purpose of rapid settlement of minute solid particles in a liquid into larger mass. It permits particle removal by sedimentation and for filtration.

Neutralization: The main purpose of this process helps in maintaining the pH range of 6-9 to meet the requirements of different processing units in ETP system.

Primary Clarifiers: These are used to slow the velocity of the water to a point where organic solids will settle to the bottom     of the tank and it contain an equipment that is used to remove floating solids and greases from the surface.

C) Secondary Treatment: The objective of this treatment is the further treatment of the effluent from primary treatment to remove the suspended solids and residual organics. In this step biological and chemical processes are involved.

Activated Sludge Process: This is used for treating industrial waste water using air and a biological floc composed of bacteria.

Aerated Lagoons: Is a treatment pond provided with artificial aeration to promote he biological oxidation of waste water.

Trickling Filters: Trickling filters, also known as sprinkling filters, are commonly used for the biological treatment of  domestic sewage and industrial waste water.

Rotating Biological Contactor: It involves allowing the wastewater to come in contact with a biological medium in order to remove pollutants in the wastewater before discharge of the treated wastewater to the environment.

D) Tertiary Treatment: The purpose of tertiary treatment is to provide a final treatment stage to raise the effluent quality to the desired level before it is reused, recycled or discharged to the environment.

Chemical Coagulation and sedimentation: It is used to increase the removal of solids from effluent after primary and   secondary treatment.

Filtration: The clarified wastewater is first passed through the adjacent filtration plant which contains large filter blocks to ensure high quality water.

Reverse Osmosis: In this process, pressure is used to force effluent through a membrane that retains contaminants on one side and allows the clean water to pass to the other side.

UV Disinfection: It is considered as an ideal disinfectant for industrial waste water. It leaves no residual disinfectant in theaters by ensuring the water quality. It does not produce any disinfection by products.

Effluent Treatment Plant Design:

The design of ETP depends on quality and quantity of waste water discharged from the different industries and land availability. If the availability of land in your industry is less, then Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) is preferred over Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP).

Operation & Maintenance of ETP: 

Once wastewater treatment plant constructed need to have operation & maintenance through experienced and qualified persons to serve efficient & effective operation of ETP, qualified ETP operator being provided by us to maintain the record of operation and maintains day to day troubleshooting. 

To get more information on wastewater treatment plant, or to speak with a technical representative about your Wastewater Treatment Chemicals, call 8897657528. 

Contact MN Aqua Chem Solutions when your Waste Water Treatment Plant needs a service. From Water Treatment Service to Waste Water Treatment Service, we have right solutions for you. Call us at 8897657528 or contact us through our contact form and let us know how we can help you.


  Wastewater treatment protects humans and ecosystem Wastewater contains elements toxic to humans and the ecosystem. Wastewater treatment...